Friday, November 4, 2022



Can we together nurture humanity back to a better ‘new normal’? These explorations or conversations are aimed at mobilising a meaningful, perhaps counter-intuitive response to the malaise that cloaks society as economic, environmental, technological, societal and geo-political woes beset the World. The pace and pervasive nature of change is overwhelming to many, who find themselves individually and collectively traumatised, leaderless, feel betrayed, lied to, and on the cusp of losing not only rights and freedoms, but maybe even their very humanity.

Winston "Churchill believed that modern scientific advancements, while productive of many good things, could also potentially lead to the loss of freedom. He sought to counter this possibility by speaking out against socialism and by recruiting citizens to the cause of a free society. He also championed constitutionalism and social reform as means of increasing social stability and protecting free markets and property rights". Prof Larry P. Arnn, Hillsdale College

So, this is not a call nor an attempt to activate protest and solve problems.  Simply a sharing  of thoughts and feelings.

SPREADING LIGHT: We are disconnected, dissociated in an abnormal, doomsday World. What is happening out there? What can we help to make something better happen?

·       INVOKING HEART: Acting from the heart to bridge walls between and within. How do we contribute to move humankind from being hate-based to heart-based, both human and kind?

·       SHARED MIND: Discovering the power of a larger, more beautiful, interconnected mind. Can we get closer to understanding the power and potential of our shared, collective mind?

·       TALKING CURES: Revelling in new talking cures. Can philosophies and methodologies like dialogue, circle work and story-bridging be the spaces in which a transformative difference can come about?

·       LIVING WILD AND FREE: Is a new reality, one that we can imagine, waiting to emerge? How do we improve our ability to belong more deeply to the interconnected web of life, to forge decent and supportive community, to mature and integrate self, to hone-in on the values and virtues needed to undergird a sustainable society, and to bravely bring about a better ‘new normal’?


The 5 conversations that follow are intended to be 'conversation starters' for anyone, or any group wishing to have dialogue on situations and topics relevant to the state of society - what it is today, where it is headed, where it might land, and what we can do in playing a part in its future yet to emerge.


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