Monday, August 31, 2020


Let’s put right what is wrong

Putting things right and restoring harmony is illustrated in this painting Justia by Brazilian artist Alexander Moreira. The soluble coffee and white tempera depiction of Lady Justice calls to mind what is honourable, fair, well-reasoned, balanced and right. What is sorely needed from our ANC/ Communist Party/ Trade Unions government right now. And from us. In the painting the absence of the usually prominent sword conveys a gentle and strong power (rather than an overt power) that our government must surely heed.

Over 30 years ago I enjoyed a correspondence with Elias Charcour, a priest in Gaza who wrote Blood Brothers in 1984 (It was translated into 20 languages).

He has always championed peace, unity and justice, was three times nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, and in 2006 became Archbishop of Akko, Haifa, Nazareth and All Galilee of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church.

He wrote about “fighting for our dignity and freedom” which is a fight we in South Africa are now deeply engaged in. 

Inherent in Elias’s thinking is unity and interconnectivity. He refers to himself as a “Palestinian-Arab-Christian-Israeli". His message has validity for us today as we hurtle as a nation towards the edge of the precipice.

I believe that that foolish man of Galilee, Jesus Christ, had something to tell us, to tell me”.

“The momentum carried us out of the church and into the streets where true Christianity belongs”.

He refers too to the David and Goliath story, an apt metaphor for our general situation – in our cities, our towns and our farms.


This brings to mind the Les Miserables lyric:

“Goliath was a bruiser who was tall as the sky.
But David threw a right and gave him one in the eye.
I never read the Bible but I know that it's true
It only goes to show what little people can do!
A worm can roll a stone.
A bee can sting a bear …
… A flea can bite the bottom of the Pope in Rome”
We must somehow overcome all the evil actions that have been happening.

And insist that government begins to put things right.

 And we are big enough to achieve this.


HOW should we campaign for things to be put right?

A careful reading of the letter from Elias Charcour below shows that he is focused on achieving peace, justice and unity, and putting things right in the right way.

Michael Ramsden underlines this principle in his talk Culture and Conflict. See:

Ramsden explains that if we pursue justice with a mind-set of bitterness, then even after justice is achieved, we will be bitter. If we pursue justice from a base of love and compassion, then love and compassion will be the fruit of justice achieved. The means to the end is as important as the end. And he draws on powerful metaphors from Amos 6:12 to illustrate: “Is it possible for (unshod) horses to go running on the rocks? May the sea be ploughed with oxen?” 

A strident “you owe me” mentality (something that we see far too much of) feeds bitterness, and is likely to invoke resentment, fear, resistance and further separation.

A new testament parable that speaks to this mindset is that of the man released from his debt, then demanding payback from those who are indebted to him (Matthew 18). On the other hand, Zacchaeus, befriended and engaged by Jesus, made restoration far in excess of what was expected. (Luke 19)

Those who would transform a Nation or the World cannot do so by breeding and captaining discontent or by demonstrating the reasonableness and desirability of the intended changes or by coercing people into a new way of life. They must know how to kindle and fan an extravagant hope” - Eric Hoffer, American moral and social philosopher.


I’ve been asked to produce a chapter for an upcoming Business Storytelling Encyclopaedia to be published by World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd. Two story practitioners who I work with and who are both deeply knowledgeable (Terrence Gargiulo and Stévé Bánhegyi have joined me on this task. Our working title is From Walls to Bridges with Story: exploring ways of countering the societal, economic and environmental impacts of negative, belittling, divisive, harmful and false narratives. We cover the changing of predominant, existing narratives (from walls to bridges) at the nation-state, organisational, inter-relationship and personal inner levels. We are guided by Eric Hoffer’s wisdom and our principles and methodology for bridging-stories, which are an imperative, and reflect his philosophy. As do the desired characteristics of ‘bridging story’ practitioners). And by the simplicity of Simon and Garfunkel's Bridge Over Troubled Water. (

To borrow from G. I. Gurdjieff’s ‘law of three’ as elucidated by Cynthia Bourgeault: Given a ‘for’ and an ‘against, there can be a ('and/both') reconciliation, and as a result of this process a new dimension is born. A teaching from Jesus is that if a seed (‘for’) falls to the ground (‘against’), then only with water & sunlight (a reconciling force) will there be a sprout (birth of the new). (Rohr, R. 2019 citing Bourgeault, C. 2013)

The picture that follows shows two separate swans coming together - a new and third thing transpires: the heart that they form.  (Bowen, Pan. 2007) Two stories, me and you, can become a third story: we.


Bowen Pan (2007)  Two swans forming a heart shape   (Wikimedia Commons)

In his book Intelligent Ethics, associate Luke Andreski identifies three simple moral objectives, which are based on a commitment to life – to the very essence of what we are – and to the living world. They are:


·        To nurture others

·        To nurture our species as a whole 

·        To nurture all life


These simple and uncontroversial moral aims reflect the core elements of many of the great ethical traditions of the past. More than this, their simplicity makes them an ideal tool for addressing the moral dilemmas of the modern world.

In a bigger context of our interconnectedness we have a duty to counter what separates and harms, destroys. Work for unity and compassion. 


What should we campaign for?

For the purposes of this article, the focus in not on the individual, group, organisation or institution, but at the nation – state level. Massive, positive effort is required.  Specifically, in South Africa. (I am not sufficiently aware of the situation in other countries).

For six months South Africa has been subjected to a harsh lock-down and pandemic regulations that have killed the economy and badly damaged the social fabric of the country, and its citizens. In light of the reported success of Sweden’s Folkvett (Trust the people to be responsible) approach (which naturally allows formation of a herd – immunity , what has happened to our people is nothing less than criminal.

At a protest rally I was struck by the palpable sense of not being alone, pride in standing up to the abuses, robbing and plundering enacted by government officials, and disappointed in the silence of the institutional churches, synagogues, mosques and temples.

In addition, Rees gives a clear perspective on other trends and threats: “…. environmental degradation, unchecked climate change and unintended consequences of advanced technology could trigger serious, even catastrophic, setbacks to society”.  On necessary wealth distribution and closing the gap between the ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’: “Failure to respond to this (feasible) humanitarian imperative, which nations have the power to remedy, surely casts doubt on any claims of institutional moral progress”. (Rees, Martin (2018) On the Future: prospects for humanity Princeton University Press) 

There is so much wrong that needs to be named. We need to apply our minds to the implications of unconstrained developments in a number of areas. Broadly, the three most important areas that require addressing (not in priority order and all interconnected) are:


The encroachment of biotechnology and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, if not ethically – bounded

The rapid, wide advent of technology into every area of our lives promises both benefit and dis-benefit.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is picking up (Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, 5G networks …).  Drones and robots can make deliveries, plant crops, and kill. Face recognition software is developing to the point where emotions can be read. The more connected we are the more is known about our lifestyle, preferences, feelings, state of well-being. The more interconnected technologies become the more this becomes true.

Transhumanism flirts dangerously with de-humanisation and brings us ever closer to the AI/ Human crossover point, termed ‘singularity’. Becoming trans-human is an ego-driven goal. It aims at overcoming our physical and biological 'limitations' in order to ‘evolve’ into being ‘super-human’.  Closer to perfection. Or closer to dysfunctionality? 

Will information and access to us be in the hands of governments and a few rich people? Without non-technical, appropriate involvement to apply ethical limitations to technology advancement, we could be in big trouble …


Plundered resources – financial, natural, human, intellectual, social capitals

We have seen unbelievable corruption, state capture and state creep that has gone unpunished as the ANC simultaneously dismantled or rendered toothless the necessary checks-and-balances institutions. Now under consideration we have nationalisation of the reserve bank, state-prescribed pension fund investments ... The ANC, founded with the support of various institutions including the Church, is a tripartite alliance with the Communist Party and the trade unions (whose motives are not in any aligned with what is best for a "democratic" nation. The long-ongoing deployment of cadres who are rewarded on the basis for their loyalty to the party, has taken precedence over any selection to high posts that are based on competence and merit. And we have stayed silent for too many years.

Pending legislation includes:


·       No environmental assessments needed for gas pipelines, electricity corridors, and more 

·        Proposed removal of the requirement on SARS to prove intent with regard to information submitted on income tax, VAT and other returns. If you make a genuine mistake in your tax declarations, SARS can unilaterally deem this to be of criminal intent 

·        5G network towers may be erected on private land (including residential), and property owners may not charge an access fee and are liable for any damage to the tower and other infrastructure (At one stage India banned cell towers near schools, hospitals, prisons, because of potential radiation effects - but that is not even a consideration here·       

·    Censorship of any criticism of the Government


Trampling on unalienable human rights, and sewing disunity

 More and more are seeing that the Swedish approach and absence of harsh and prolonged, debilitating lock-downs and command and control measures based on fear - mongering, pseudo-science and faulty prediction models, has worked. Without destroying economies, social fabric and lives.

Our Bill of Rights, when last I read it, includes many citizen rights that are being derogated (abused) by the CCCCCC. (Covid-19 Command Control Compliance and Capture Council). A better description than the official National Coronavirus Command Council. 

These include inalienable and unimpeded rights to work, life, equality, dignity, the absence of discrimination (including on the grounds of age), freedom of movement, freedom from degrading treatment, freedom of thought, expression, privacy including protection against search and seizure of home, person, and correspondence, ownership of land and no expropriation without compensation, the right to information held by the government, freedom of worship …

Instead we now have a military-like command and control  'leadership' that influences and directs how we think, feel and behave, at every level, that is biased against certain population groups, and deliberately sews disunity.

There is a real chance of an undemocratic shift to a communist model. Ex-president Zuma’s ex-wife who heads the National Coronavirus Disaster Management Council has said that the pandemic “… also offers us an opportunity to accelerate the implementation of some long agreed upon structural changes … These opportunities call for more sacrifice and – if needs be – what Amilcar Cabral called “class suicide” ….’.  (Hoffman, P. 2020)

Cadre deployment has been practiced for years now. Comrades are rewarded for their loyalty to the party. This selection criterion takes precedence over competence and merit. 

(The Marxist Cabral led the revolutionary guerrilla war for independence against Portuguese Guinea, West Africa. His solution requires doing away with capitalism and adopting the non-colonial values of the masses. Hoffman, Paul. Advocate. (2020) Survival of the nation trumps the revolutionary transformation of the economy   2 May 2020) 

The killing of farmers as a visible, ideology-fueled, symbolic “struggle” strategy designed to whip up hatred, and badly hurt ‘colonialists’ is a related activity that has remained a deliberate ANC strategy. Not only do they not admit that the “Kill the farmer” war song and slogan constitute hate speech, they have continued to refuse to acknowledge escalating white farm killings (except for a little while under Mandela) as a priority crime; instead they hide or fudge statistics. This has been the case during the Mbeki, Zuma and Ramaphosa eras. These killings have no place in a civilized, democratic society. They deserve priority crime status because:

 ·        the struggle is long over,

·        the attacks occur frequently,

·        many if not most of the victims are old,

·        the attacks are brutal and grisly,

·        they disrupt and reduce our food supply in a time of economic depression,

·        they are contrary to social cohesion, and dangerously divisive.   

  • statistics about who owns the land stem from false audits. In a recent development a municipality offered to repay a debt of billions of Rand to Eskom, by transferring ownership of 129 farms from themselves to Eskom!

It is shocking and an abomination that the "kill the boer" hate campaign continues by commission and omission. Society at large and key institutions (including the religious) have stayed silent. Shame! 

Beyond disrespecting our constitution and trampling on basic human rights, this government shows scant regard for the value of life itself. 

Ukulungisa is an African concept, essentially meaning a chance to put things right, restore order, aspire to higher things. We should not lose this chance. Let’s do it. 


Further reading is available at:

The Swedish model

Touch trumps unsocial distancing

The new abnormal

Our constitution mocked


Sunday, August 30, 2020

Taking Off the Masks


Theatrical Masks      In the public domain


"Interconnection is the truth of things. It's not sentimental. It doesn't take a spiritual understanding to get there" - Sharon Salzberg (Buddhist teacher and author)


The Covid-19 pandemic has led to an imposition of regulations ostensibly designed to prevent its spread. This has accentuated perceptions of curtailment of freedoms and basic human rights (including movement, earning a living, dignity, information) and magnified the degree of polarisation that we experience at the individual, community, business, institutional and nation-state levels. There is a separation rather than a bringing together. A fragmentation rather than a unity. More walls than there are bridges between people.



There are contradictory “expert” opinions about:

  • whether the coronavirus should be classed as a widespread outbreak, a non-localised epidemic, a pandemic, or something else (Definitions also vary)
  • how to predict and measure its spread (in different localities, across different demographics, in a different climate) and severity
  • how to most effectively treat those who become affected


With regard to the mandatory wearing of masks, “experts” disagree on:

  • the efficacy of masks to prevent the transfer of nanoparticles and the coronavirus between people
  • whether the wearing of masks prevents our immune systems from naturally developing their own response to the virus
  • whether and how the wearing of a mask changes our state of being - inhibits or disinhibits us 

Time may produce clearer answers.

A common - sense discussion on the wearing of masks is worth having.



In general, masks can be helpful, or they can be unhelpful.

  • Russian philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin (1895 – 1975) talked in terms of a masked-ball or carnival as “the people’s second life, organised on the basis of laughter … an escape from the usual official way of life …. (people) for a time entered the Utopian realm of community, freedom, equality and abundance”. The carnival event was a temporary container (You voluntarily put on a mask in order to take off your mask, and you were contained within the facade of the carnival collective in order to be free for a while and have fun). (Bakhti, M. 1965) The very opposite of State-imposed ‘protective’ masks


  • Different forms of masks can be deliberately and voluntarily used to hide the persona – literally and figuratively, for different reasons. The burqa/niqab for example. Wedding veils may be worn to symbolise purity or simply because of tradition.  Large sunglasses, make-up used to increase mystery and attractiveness. A botox treatment to mask wrinkles. Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote in Tegel prison in July 1944 of showing an outer calm, serenity, pride, poise, cheerful appearance, but masking an inside containing at that time an entirely different life force, mind-set, soul state. (Bonhoeffer, D. 1997) In certain settings (for example at the workplace) people may wear ‘masks’ to hide their true feelings, appear calm and in control. In a Christmas 2014 address to the Vatican Curia, the Pope, in listing dangers to individual and corporate health and functioning, included ‘existential schizophrenia’: living a double life, forgetting who we are. (McKenna, J 2014 and Ohlheiser,A 2014) Could 'existential schizophrenia' become a covid-19 hazard?


  • Coronavirus masks are intended as protection by blocking human-to-human transmission. The belief of each wearer in the purpose and usefulness of mandatory mask-wearing is a determining factor in their  attitude toward compliance. A person who believes that they do protect, and prevent transmission, will in many cases find their anxiety about infection being soothed, and be angry at those who do not comply as strictly. Those who do not believe may feel resentment and anger at having to comply.



This may depend on a number of factors, that include:

Personality type 

On the surface the person (in Myers-Briggs terms) characterised by being an extroverted, sensing, feeling, judging type may become stressed and disoriented if close, open interaction and contact with another, is blocked - physically or visually.

The introverted, intuitive, thinking, perceiving type may naturally prefer ‘distance’, and less emotional contact.  

The Enneagram 8 may on principle fight social distancing and the wearing of masks

We all react differently.

Click to enlarge



Factors such as the inhibition of breathing may affect some more than others. Yet others will be more disturbed by less speech clarity, physical discomfort. This in turn may impact emotional and social well-being, add to mental fatigue



Direct sales staff who have face-to-face interactions with customers, line managers, those in the helping professions – because they rely on communication that goes beyond words and includes content and feelings conveyed through expressions, gestures, body language. 

For all of us, un-masked faces in social proximity reveal whether the other person is threatening, angry, sad, joyful, welcoming, showing acceptance or dislike, being authentic, empathic, vulnerable, compassionate, being wary, is agreeing with us, and able to read what we wish to convey with our eyes, soul,lips, smile, frown ... 


EQ and SQ

In meaningful communication, getting beyond masks, real or figurative, requires us to display both emotional and social intelligence. That is, self- awareness, being able to identify and manage one’s own emotions. And a social awareness, being able to recognise another’s emotion, empathise, handle relationships and conflicts. Having emotional and social intelligence enables us to act positively, brings about emotional healing. The wearing of masks is often a hinderance. 
Our Interconnectedness 
As opposed to that which separates, including masks, now is a time for that which brings together, connects and binds. A part of such a movement is our individual and collective practice that brings about and reinforces this natural phenomenon of interconnectedness.   
Daisaku Ikeda and Hazel Henderson: "All things are mutually related to and interdependent with all other things. They all form a great cosmos maintaining the rhythms of life”
We need to be mindful of this great truth in our conversations, interactions, contacts.
Is every person a unique self with a brain and a mind that is theirs alone? Are our minds separate entities?  Siegel sees mind as shared, certainly when we are relating, as “the emergent self-organizing process, both embodied and relational, that regulates energy and information flow within and among us”. As an analogy he shares, “I realized if someone asked me to define the shoreline but insisted, is it the water or the sand, I would have to say the shore is both sand and sea …. You can’t limit our understanding of the coastline to insist it’s one or the other. I started thinking, maybe the mind is like the coastline—some inner and inter process”. (Siegel, D.J. 2016)
Does this interconnectedness extend to other forms of life beyond the human?
Chief Seattle of the Duwamish said in 1854, “Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect”.  This sentiment resonates with findings in Gestalt psychology, Integral Theory, the Collective Unconscious, Systemic Thinking, Rhizomes (Systems Biology), Chaos Theory, Quantum Physics and Neuroscience. It also resonates with aspects of Hindu, Buddhist, Shamanic and the Judeo - Christian mystical tradition. Ken Wilber talks of a holographic universe - the part contains the whole or replicates the whole, and yet each part still has a wholeness within itself (physically, biologically, spiritually). 
Physicist Fritjof Capra of The Tao of Physics fame defines spiritual awareness as an “understanding of being imbedded in a larger whole, a cosmic whole, of belonging to the universe”. (Capra, F. 1999)
Physicist and philosopher David Bohm whose far-sighted and exciting work at the intersection of science and philosophy led him to believe that there is a deep, invisible “implicate” order (which we will never fully comprehend and understand) below and beyond our observed “explicate”  reality, that one cannot separate the observed from the observer in attempting to understand phenomena (for example, even looking inward at our own feelings changes them), that all of mankind’s problems arise out of the way we think, and that we may enjoy individual freedom within this interconnected collective. His views are beginning to gain ground amongst leading Quantum physicists.
There is a deep sense that masks, physical or imagined, can never separate our infinitely diverse humanity from each other or from other beings, animals, things. 
“… Because we are all interconnected, by way of our souls, we can never say, ‘What difference does it make, as long as I’m OK.” This is like the story our Sages tell of a passenger on a boat who was busy making a hole in the hull underneath his seat. When other passengers told him to stop making a hole, for he would sink the boat, the silly fellow told them to mind their own business — he had paid for his seat, and it was of no concern to anyone else what he was doing within his private four cubits’”. (Greisman, N. 2020)
Shifting cultural, societal and behavioural norms    
Given the information on who we are, what makes us tick, and how we are all interconnected - could a highly-regulated way of living that includes masks (and unsocial distancing) begin to prepare us for a transhuman future, aided by a Fourth Industrial Revolution that ushers in artificial intelligence, 5G, robotics, merged-technology? Facilitate a military-like command and control leadership that influences and directs how we think, feel and behave, at every level? (This is certainly a possibility, if not a probability, in South Africa, where the ruling ANC/Communist Party/Trade Unions tripartite government is becoming rapidly unmasked during the coronavirus pandemic. It is promoting and enacting legislation and policies that land be expropriated without compensation, the Reserve Bank be nationalised, pension fund investments be prescribed by the state, the erecting of 5G towers on private land without permission, Draconian censorship of any criticism of the Government, and ex-president Zuma’s ex-wife who heads the National Coronavirus Disaster Management Council has said that the pandemic “… also offers us an opportunity to accelerate the implementation of some long agreed upon structural changes … These opportunities call for more sacrifice and – if needs be – what Amilcar Cabral called “class suicide” ….’.  (Hoffman, P. 2020)
Cadre deployment has been practiced for years now. Comrades are rewarded for their loyalty to the party. This selection criterion takes precedence over competence and merit. 
(Marxist Cabral led the revolutionary guerrilla war for independence against Portuguese Guinea, West Africa. His solution requires doing away with capitalism and adopting the non-colonial values of the masses). 
Cry the beloved country! See Does Our Constitution Belong in the Waste Paper Basket?

Are we headed for a high-tech, low-touch world that dehumanises us, renders human interconnectivity null and void, drives us apart?
Delio’s clarity when describing the “noosphere”, a concept pioneered by Vladimir Vernadsky and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - “a level of shared consciousness that transcends boundaries of religion, culture and ethnicity”, the complex evolutionary mind-brain-body system that is spiritual consciousness, and how we are evolving towards greater unity of love and shared virtues, is breath-taking.
In setting out her themes she often draws heavily on the brilliant French philosopher, Jesuit priest, palaeontologist and geologist de Chardin. She argues for a contemplative evolution, a new conscious love that “sees the world with new eyes and a new heart”. (Delio, I. 2013) 
My own belief and hope is that what needs to be unmasked is unmasked, that in future we become driven by connection and compassion. That an underlying, invisible evolution of love has to be, by far, the most powerful force.
It's the kind of thing that comes down to simple terms
It's not about you
It's not about me
Love is all about we
Yes, it's all about we”. (Neil Diamond ‘We’ 2005)
In the following Hebrew story, for ‘brother’ read ‘neighbour’ and ‘the other’ - at the family, community, societal levels …
A long, long time ago two farmer brothers who lived on and worked the same farm and equally shared, at the end of each day, the grain that they produced. 
One had a big family. The other lived alone.
Now the one who lived on his own thought that his brother had many mouths to feed and deserved a bigger share of what they produced. Every night he sneaked some of his grain into his brother’s granary.
The brother with the large family thought that because he was blessed by a large family that would care for him when he was too old to work, his brother deserved a bigger share that could be put away for his old age when he would have no one to care for him. So, every night he sneaked some of his grain into his brother’s granary.
And every morning each brother would find his grain supply miraculously replenished.
One night while they were transferring grain, they bumped into each other, realised what had been happening … Hugged. 
“The story is that God witnessed their meeting and proclaimed, ‘This is a holy place – a place of love – and here it is that my temple shall be built’. 
And so it was. 
The holy place, where God is made known, is the place where human beings discover each other in love”.
(Kurtz, E and Ketchum, K. 1994) 
Related reading:
Are we losing touch?  
Are we approaching a sub-human age?
Bakhtin, Mikhail 1965 Carnivalesque 
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (1997) Letters and Papers from Prison Touchstone  NY 
Capra, Fritjof (1999) The Tao of Physics: an exploration of the parallels between modern physics and Eastern mysticism Shambhala Publications, Massachusetts
Delio, Ilia (2013) The Unbearable Wholeness of Being: God, Evolution, and the Power of Love Orbis Books, NY
Greisman, Nechoma (2020) (edited by Rabbi Moshe Miller) The Ninth of Kislev: On Interconnectedness
Hoffman, Paul. Advocate. (2020) Survival of the nation trumps the revolutionary transformation of the economy   2 May 2020 
Ikeda, Daisaku and Henderson, Hazel (2004), Planetary Citizenship Middleway Press
Kurtz, Ernest and Ketcham, Katherine (1992) The Spirituality of Imperfection: storytelling and the journey to wholeness Bantam Books
Mehrabian, Albert (1971). Silent Messages (1st ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. ISBN 0-534-00910-7
McKenna, Josephine (2014) Pope Francis to Curia: Merry Christmas, you power-hungry hypocrites December, 2014
Ohlheiser, Abby (2014) The 15 ailments of the Vatican Curia, according to Pope Francis December, 2014
Siegel, Daniel J. (2016) Mind: A Journey to the Heart of Being Human W.W.Norton & Coy, Inc. NY
From Wikimedia Commons – the free media repository