My favourite bookstore (Yes, I’m aware of IPads, Kindle etc but love the feel and smell of ‘real’ books) draws attention to interesting reads, by posting a STAFF CHOICE sticker and description on their recommended books.
I thought we’d do the same.
It was not easy, but after carefully weighing up the options, here are 3 ‘staff choice’ diagnostics and 4 ‘staff choice’ articles available to members of http://www.haloandnoose.com
The Hardy Personality Diagnostic: How well do you respond to the challenge, how comfortable are you, and how much in control are you during change and transition? Do you sink or swim? What improvements can you make?
Assessing an organisation’s Narrative Application and Competence: This assessment determines an organisations’ strengths, weaknesses and opportunities - in the area of using narrative to advance corporate functional goals. It also determines the level of competence that exists to support the functional applications.
Personal Mindfulness Checklist: What level of mindfulness do you apply to different aspects of your daily living in order to reduce stress, enhance your lifestyle.
Collectively Making Sense of Business Situations and Issues An examination of sense-making and how it works, the role of narrative, anecdote and metaphor, and an exploration of the frameworks developed by Dave Snowden (Cynefin) and Cynthia Kurtz (Confluence Sense-Making and Participative Narrative Inquiry)
The Brain and Branding: build a better brand, boost your bottom line The brain - primitive and developed, left and right hemispheres, conscious and unconscious.......and a look at depth marketing and how savvy corporations forge emotional connections, and include the story element to do this
The question is................. At work, in our families, socially: What are the right questions to ask? How should they be asked? The art and discipline of asking questions
Tell to Win and Win and Win: Stories engage, capture interest. A disquieting trend however is that, as they become more and more used, there is an increasing focus on ‘telling to win’ – that is, to persuade, sell, convince, manipulate. Thus there is a danger of stories being misused, even abused. We believe they should be used primarily to illuminate, convey knowledge and wisdom, raise….
The Hardy Personality test is being used not only with individuals, but also by married couples (to assess compatibilities and areas where they may assist each other in times of stress) and to get a departmental or organisational composite reading on the group's change readiness