Perched on a ridge at the head of a valey in the Umkomaas River system in KwaZulu-Natal, the Buddhist Retreat Centre looks out on a vista of indiginous valeys, forests and rolling hills receding like waves in the blue distance. Here for more than 20 years people of all religions have come to experience peace and tranquility. It is a gentle, sympathetic space where one can be still and get in touch with oneself and reflect on the things that crowd one's life.
Here from 11th to 13th February we are holding a Story IQ Retreat. At the heart of this retreat is our belief that once we raise our Story IQ we begin to hear and tell our work and personal life in a new and vital way. We open up to transformation and new leadership paths. Like the lotus flower we bloom and seed new beginnings simultaneously. We reach into what may be murky depths and produce something of infinite beauty and worth. In so doing prosperity and abundance take on new meanings. Cost = Accommodation plus R250. Visit http://www.brcixopo.co.za/ for details and booking
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